The Majesty of England
© Allan James Lammiman
The majesty of England is a sight to behold
And within its towns and cities stories unfold
From the shores in the east to the hills of the west
The sights of England are amongst the best
From the rivers and the streams that flow to the sea
The fields of green England are a wonder to see
So wherever you may roam you must never forget
The sights of old England are the best of the set
A Summer Days Sun
© Allan James Lammiman
The morning sun of summer floats low in the sky
Its early beams chasing away the night
As the suns rays filter across the land
The people below awake, arise and dress and start to plan
And as the sun raises ever higher and higher
And its beams spread out across the land like fingers of fire
As time draws on the beams grow longer with the day
And the young children below awake and come out to play
By mid-morning the sun’s ball is full and bright
There above for all to see, and behold what a sight!
By noon the sun is high and its heat soon ablaze
The land below is hot and a wonder to amaze
By afternoon the sun is still full and bright
The summer heat seemingly lasting through till night
By evening the sun at last begins to fall and its rays start to dim
And the young children below are told its time to come in
As night finally comes, the sun it too goes to bed
And all below sleep and rest and that’s all that can be said
Rain, Rain, Rain
© Allan James Lammiman
Rain, rain, rain
Pouring down the drain
First it is a trickle
Dribbling now and again
Then it comes faster
A torrent, a downpour, a flood
A real big pain
The rain, rain, rain
Rain, rain, rain
It really is a pain
If the torrent it becomes a storm
Then a great big flood
Soaking everything and anyone
And covering them in mud
It really is a pain
The rain, rain, rain
Rain, rain, rain
It really is not nice
For rain can soon becomes sleet
And fall like flakes of ice
The snow it can come deeper
And cover the ground in white
But then of course, for some
It can be quite nice
Rain, rain, rain
Of course it can be quite fun
As long don’t stay out in it
An dally for far too long
For then people might start to grumble
Or join in big snowball fights
And jump about in puddles
With their gumboots on
Rain, rain, rain
It can be quite fun
As long as you stay out of it
And wait for the sun
Best to stay indoors
With a hot drink and bun
Than to be cold and wet
Wishing the rain had not begun
Bird Song in the Morning
© Allan James Lammiman
By days early dawn, by a hut next the lawn.
A little bird sat on a log and sang its merry song.
It sang so sweet, and so clear
Its merry little song that everyone could here.
Even the gardener asleep in his bed,
heard the little bird’s chirping above his head.
He awoke with a start and run down the stairs.
Tripped over the step, though not that he cared.
He ran to the hut where the little bird stood,
and took of his boot and threw it for all he could.
“Shut it, you little tike!” he shouted.
“Some people are trying to get some sleep!”
Your Garden
A poem by
© Allan James Lammiman
Gardening is fun when you are outdoors in the sun.
Although it is hard when have only just begun.
You weed and you seed and water all around.
And stand back and enjoy the loveliness of the plants
you have placed in the ground.
And when you think of how grand it will be,
when the sun shines bright and you survey all that you see
Try to remember that life is not always fair,
and that sometimes, you will wonder why you arc there.
And when summer comes and the blooms unfold
Watch out for visitors who arrive untold.
For as have worked hard and long,
so will the dogs, the cats and the mole in the lawn.
So try not to cry if your flowers fad from sight
before the plants have grown to their full height.
For its only because they have succumb to the blight.
or been eaten by a snail or been dug up during a cat fight.
There is always next year to start afresh,
after your have enjoyed a long winters rest.
You can begin again to dig and weed
And to be full of joy when you seed.
So please remember, that though your labours
may be long and tiring,
The back ache soon passes
When your garden’s worth admiring
A Christmas Goose Story
© Allan James Lammiman
It was Christmas time at last
And the goose was becoming worried
For the mother of the farmers family,
was continuously being hurried.
She was to prepare a meal, fit for all to come
And how she was to do it was the nub of the problem.
The goose looked high and far, to see what she might cook
But every time the mother gazed out at him,
she took out her large cookbook.
The Christmas meal was to be a large one
And the goose knew what it was.
It involved a bit of stuffing,
and being mounted on a hook!
He hoped in vain that he was wrong
But somehow knew he was right
Oh what a frightful time it is
for a goose before a Christmas night!
Holly, Berries and Mistletoe
© Allan James Lammiman
Holly, berries and mistletoe,
Bags of presents given with a glow.
To little children with lots of hope,
For a Christmas to remember..
Deep at night, when fast asleep,
Being good, their souls to keep.
They and prey that Santa will come
Bringing them joy and lots of fun..
When at last the morning dawns
They jump with glee like little fawns
So happy and joyful, and full of fun
Are the daughters and little Sons.
So if you remember this Christmas rhyme
And try to be good all the time
You will receive the joy of the world
And be happy, cheerful and things will be fine!
Playtime in the Snow
© Allan James Lammiman
Playing in the snow
On a brisk winters day
Merrily we go,
Singing all the way.
Each and every hour
That passes joyfully by
Fills us full of hope
For that which we enjoy
And when night finally comes
And off to bed we must go
We must be thankful for what we have
For eventually it all will go.
Days Will Pass
© Allan James Lammiman
Days will pass, stories unfold,
But love will continue until you are old.
Even then love will conquer and endure.
So live long and be happy, for ever more.
Brave Little Flower
© Allan James Lammiman
Brave little flower, growing alone,
If someone picks you, will you groan?
© Allan James Lammiman
Journey through time, journey through space.
Journey onward at an ever increasing pace.
Journey in, and journey out,
Journey onward and inward, through and out.
Journey up and journey down,
Journey, journey, round and round.
If you dare to stop or pause,
Remember to journey out of doors.
Journey onward and onward, through galaxies new,
Journey in a circle, back to you.
The England I Love
© Allan James Lammiman
The England I love is one of joy,
It’s green pastures there for all to enjoy.
The leafy lanes and busy streets,
And the babbling brooks and grazing sheep
It’s many shady nooks and sunny parks
That echo to the sound of children’s larks
The music in the pubs and traders in the street
That never ending sound of tramping feet.
These are a few of the things I love best
About the country that is so blessed
So when you leave England in search of the sun
Remember these things, and where you belong.
The Sounds of England
© Allan James Lammiman
The sounds and sights of the England I love best.
Are that of railways, rivers and pastures at rest
The markets, the racecourses and waves at the beach
The rugby, the football and leather at the crease.
The tennis, the bowls and the cheering of the crowd
The strike of the dart, as double-top, it has found
All these are the sounds that are pure
They are the sounds of England ,
The sounds that endure
The Country Air
© Allan James Lammiman
The country air is all well and good
Just as long as it is well understood
That the sights and smells that fill the air
Do not necessarily have to be there
The flowers and weeds that line the banks
And the trees and bushes, these we give thanks
But the litter and dog-ends and cans of drink
These just add to the countries stink
The dog mess and the urine that lay on the ground
These are things that should never be found
So take your rubbish home when you go
And don’t litter that that don’t own
Ode to a Landlubber Navy
© Allan James Lammiman
The sky is red
The sea is blue
The land is green
And so is the crew
The waves they are choppy
The surf is all white
The sails are a flapping
As well that they might
The captain he is livid
For the crew is quite green
And the first mate is lazy
And nowhere to be seen!
The ship it is in peril
And the cargo aflame
And the rats are all leaving
Along with grain
The water it is fowled
And the meat all rotten
And where the cook is
Everyone has forgotten
So if you can help it
Stay safely on land
With your feet dry and comfy
And a pint in your hand!
I Listen to Music
I listen to music, though mostly at night
I listen to music more often than I might
In fact I listen to music whenever I can
I’d even listen to music if it was banned
© Allan James Lammiman